Transmedia resources Wiki

Welcome to the Transmedia Resources Wiki.

We’re a collaborative community website about Transmedia Resources, Tools and Narratives (Projects) that anyone, including you, can edit.

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Visit the How to Add a Wiki Page for information on how the wiki is structured.

Visit the Glossary page for a quick list of terms used in transmedia and associated projects (or perhaps browse the Glossary and Encyclopedia Collections). A basic list of articles discussing the definition of transmedia can be found at this page.

Visit the Blogs page for a listing of blogs that have transmedia and related articles. Or stop by the Organizations page.

Want to know what projects have been added?

Check HERE to see a list of all wiki pages or here for a list of categories.

' You can find a basic database list of the tools and resources at'

for fun check out Windmills Of Our Transmedia Mind


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