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see also Narrabase - Hypertext Narrative - Interactive Fiction - Hyperfiction - Hypertext Fiction - Hyperfiction - Hypertext

from source[1] "Making the contrast between interactive fiction, a term generally used for works with a branching structure where the reader continually makes choices between sequential plot paths, I called my hypertext narrative a "narrabase" (for narrative database) when I wrote Uncle Roger[2] in 1986. I thought of this work as a "pool of information into which the reader plunges repeatedly, emerging with a cumulative and individual build up levels of meaning and to show many aspects of the story and characters, rather than as a means of providing alternate plot turns and endings.

"....hypertext fiction offers narratives that operate as networks rather than linear sequences," Katherine Hayles writes in her introduction to Technocriticism and Hypernarrative.[3]

"I wanted, quite simply, to write a novel that would change in successive readings and to make those changing versions according to the connections that I had for some time naturally discovered in the process of writing and that I wanted my readers to share," Michael Joyce wrote about his hyperfiction afternoon, a story. [4]


  1. HYPERNARRATIVE IN THE AGE OF THE WEB by Judy Malloy April 3, 2007
  3. Hayles, N. Katherine, "Situating Narrative in an Ecology of New Media", Technocriticism and Hypernarrative, MFS Modern Fiction Studies 43:3, Fall 1997.
  4. Joyce, Michael, Of Two Minds, University of Michigan Press, 1995 p. 31. Written in 1987, afternoon, a story was published in 1990 by Eastgate Systems.